Our newest recruit, James Howe, takes us on a journey of starting out in the digital world...
Pressure, an overwhelming feeling of pressure! Third year of University has come to an end
and all eyes are focused on you. It’s been a turbulent run, and you’re not sure
whether at the age of 23 you should be feeling quite so uneasy as to what lies
ahead. “What’s next?” they all ask, ‘they’ being family, friends, neighbours,
and friends of neighbours whose family show an unhealthy amount of interest in
your chosen career path. Why wouldn’t they all be intrigued? Surely it’s big
news, huge in fact, you’ve just got yourself a degree in Digital Media.
It becomes all too clear that you’re on your own. Advice is
scarce, opinions differ and the man from careers guidance suggests you do a
summer course in CV writing. Not exactly the end goal you were aiming for way
back when you were labouring over a lengthy UCAS form. But you compose
yourself, strap in for the long haul of uncertainty and start putting the
feelers out.
HTML, CSS, Javascript; this is your mantra, rinse and
Application after application, they all begin to blur into
one with a glaringly common requirement: EXPERIENCE.
And so you try a different approach, the Internship.
Unfortunately it seems yet again you may be out of your
depth. Enquiries go unanswered and the ones that reply do so commending
enthusiasm but doubting skill level. It’s hard not to start doubting your own
worth at that point. Reminded year after year that the course you have partaken
on is self-taught/directed; you are bound to having courage in your convictions
and continuously hoping that you’re heading down the right path.
But all it takes is for one opportunity along that path to
fit better than most. For me that was finding Gendall Design. Understanding of
my current skillset, and empathising with my want to learn, they kindly allowed
me a place within their team. I am aware of my limits, but don’t wish to stay
limited. Here at Gendall the environment allows you to flourish under a
nurturing eye, and day-by-day that skillset grows:
PHP, SCSS, responsive design; the new mantra, rinse and